Monday, 20 December 2010

use the force...

All artwork © Olly Moss

How amazing are these limited edition screen prints? I love the films. I love these illustrations more.

These fantastic illustrations are the work of Olly Moss, a designer and illustrator from the UK. There's a hint of Saul Bass to his work, graphic and clever and very inspiring. Check out more of his work here.

If you fancy one of these Star Wars prints, click here.

Friday, 19 November 2010

quote, unquote...

All artwork © Wayne Dorrington

This awesome piece of infographics is just up my street. Big bold blocks of colour, quirky typography and it's actually illustrating some pretty interesting facts. The 50 highest grossing films of all time are illustrated in quotes. The larger the quote, the bigger the amount of cash it racked in. To see a larger version, click here. You'll need to zoom in to read the key at the bottom.

Check out more of digital designer Wayne Dorrington's work here.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

stars of the silk screen...

All artwork © Brainstorm Print & Design

Check out these gorgeous five colour silkscreen prints by Brainstorm Print & Design collaborators Jason Snyder and Briana Feola. Such a simple idea executed in such a brilliant way. I love the blocks of bold colour, and the fact that I wish I had thought of this idea myself. Check out the rest of their portfolio here.

Monday, 23 August 2010

a little birdy told me...

All Illustrations © Kate Wilson

I spotted the work of Kate Wilson on a kooky little card I bought from Paperchase. I loved the style, and here she is. Her bird work is so sweet but her fashion work which incorporates some great use of watercolour is also very striking.

Kate Wilson has worked for clients including The New York Times, Marc Jacobs, Links of London, ASOS, Liberty of London, Topman, The Guardian, Matches and Marie Claire Prints and she also has loads of original artwork.

For more of her beautiful work click here.

Birdy Work

Fashion Illustration

Monday, 2 August 2010

death metal

Silver earrings £350 Like_Atmosphere

Silver £370 Like_Atmosphere

Is it wrong to covet jewelry shaped like skulls and spinal columns? Meh, I don't care. For me, these are the right side of weird and would add a decent amount of kook to any outfit.

The jewelry is designed by Like_Atmosphere , more of their stuff can be found here. I recommend you take a look round the whole site, there is some really great and unusual stuff to be found.

Sunday, 1 August 2010

block party

Imagery © Siggi Eggertsson

Siggi Eggertsson is an Icelandic born graphic designer. He has worked in London and Iceland but currently calls Berlin home. From his portfolio it is obvious he clearly loves to experiment with typography and illustration, see for yourself here.

One of my favourite pieces is this set for a pitch to the V&A museum in London. I remember playing with similar blocks as a kid, and I love how he has decided to use them to create typography. Its bold, its fun and it perfectly captures the sense of fun and creativity of a 'free art fair'. Love it.

All imagery © Siggi Eggertsson

Saturday, 31 July 2010

put it in black and white

Illustration © Johanna Basford

There is something beautiful about black and white design. If something can work in black and white without all the trimmings and frivolousness of colour, then it really works. Colour sometimes disguises bad design. With black and white its real, raw, the foundations of design as it were. From the Art Nouveau style of Aubrey Beardsley, through to more recent iconic album design, black and white as a theme, has always fascinated me.

I recently came across the work of Johanna Basford. Her black and white magical illustrations are so ethereal and delicate. Almost like lace or something equally fine and beautifully crafted. Check out her portfolio here. She also has a set of ceramics screen printed with her designs, but its sold out! Shame, I will have to do some searching and see if I can find it somewhere else.

Long live black and white.

Black & White Art Nouveau

Imagery © Aubrey Beardsley

Black & White Album Artwork

Clockwise from top left: The Eraser by Thom York designed by Stanley Downward; Unknown Pleasures by Joy Division designed by Peter Saville; Revolver by The Beatles designed by Klaus Voormans, Glasvegas by Glasvegas designed by Village Green.

Black & White Illustration

Illustrations and imagery © Johanna Basford

Friday, 30 July 2010

Forever is Today

All photography © Hilda Grahnat

I have been following the blog of Hilda Grahnat, 23 from Sweden for a while now, ever since I saw photos of her beautifully styled apartment on Design Sponge. Grahnat is studying Graphic Design but its her photography I love. The sweeping Swedish countryside, the colours she manages to capture, the small quaint details of a seeming idyllic lifestyle. It makes me want to leave the grime and bustle of London and get on the first plane to Sweden. Check out her blog Forever is Today for more beautiful and inspiring photography.

Friday, 16 April 2010

put your neck out...

Brilliant, beautiful necklace - £360 - Kabiri

This is quite possibly the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen. Part tough girl bullet-ness, part sparkly princess, all knockout brilliance. Wear it with anything, anytime and definitely don't save it for 'best'. I want, I want, I want...

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

the last show...

All images ©

I came across these pictures of Alexander McQueen's last collection. His team have put the final touches to his final collection. I think it's just beautiful. So regal, so detailed and exquisite. Such a shame that McQueen wont be able to create anything like this again, his untimely death is surely a loss to the fashion world. But what a testament to his craft he leaves behind him.