Saturday, 31 July 2010

put it in black and white

Illustration © Johanna Basford

There is something beautiful about black and white design. If something can work in black and white without all the trimmings and frivolousness of colour, then it really works. Colour sometimes disguises bad design. With black and white its real, raw, the foundations of design as it were. From the Art Nouveau style of Aubrey Beardsley, through to more recent iconic album design, black and white as a theme, has always fascinated me.

I recently came across the work of Johanna Basford. Her black and white magical illustrations are so ethereal and delicate. Almost like lace or something equally fine and beautifully crafted. Check out her portfolio here. She also has a set of ceramics screen printed with her designs, but its sold out! Shame, I will have to do some searching and see if I can find it somewhere else.

Long live black and white.

Black & White Art Nouveau

Imagery © Aubrey Beardsley

Black & White Album Artwork

Clockwise from top left: The Eraser by Thom York designed by Stanley Downward; Unknown Pleasures by Joy Division designed by Peter Saville; Revolver by The Beatles designed by Klaus Voormans, Glasvegas by Glasvegas designed by Village Green.

Black & White Illustration

Illustrations and imagery © Johanna Basford

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