Friday, 29 January 2010

bag lady...

Right, I know there’s this thing for holding your big old designer tote in the crook of your elbow. Firstly, that’s going to make you ache like hell at some point surely? Secondly, wouldn’t you get in a mighty flap when trying to fish out your tube pass, muscle your way through a crowd, carry a million other things and maybe an umbrella at the same time??

No thanks, I’d rather go hands free. The cross shoulder bag, my new favourite thing. Ram as much stuff in it as you like, throw it over your neck and your sorted. Total freedom of movement. “ )

Here are my favourite lovely shoulder bags at the moment. And if it’s leather, even better, more battered equals better looking in my opinion. Shop on folks.

Clockwise from top left; leather bag – Rokit - £60; bag - Urban Outfitters - £38; leather bag - Topshop - £28

The Mulberry Alexa - £795. What my dreams are made of.

1 comment:

  1. I love over the body bags, I have a gorgeous one from Next that is just so damn handy.


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