Thursday, 28 January 2010

they way I want to live...

All images styled by Molly Frey

I want to live in a house that is white, but not sterile, I'm thinking soft, gentle and peaceful. Loads of different textures but all tones of white and cream, with a bit of bleached wood thrown in for good measure. Colour would be used as an accent throughout but everything would be held together by this gorgeous white canvas.

All images styled by Molly Frey

Now I know this isn't everyone's cup of tea, and some would think that a white house would be cold and unwelcoming. But I came across Molly Frey's interiors and she has caught my mood exactly. Where are these houses she is styling, where are they?!? I want to gatecrash.

All images styled by Molly Frey

To me a white home is calm, peace, gentleness and would make a real haven to cocoon yourself in after a hard day. It would be a complete contrast to the chaotic London I live and work in. Perhaps this is why I crave it.

1 comment:

  1. ah so beautiful and calming. If I lived there I think I shall also bathe in milk :)


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