Friday, 22 January 2010

stairway to heaven...

One evening just before Christmas I was walking down Aldwych on the way to Charing Cross when I saw the strangest thing. It looked like a neon staircase leading into the pavement, the staircase just disappeared into the ground. Intrigued but not really understanding what I was seeing (it may have been the cocktails) I kind of forgot all about it. Then I stumbled on this article in Time Out and so I am relieved to find that I am not completely bonkers after all and the neon staircase does actually exist! Turns out the stairs lead to a rather cool underground bar called Cellar Door, which believe it or not is a converted men’s public convenience. Nice. I think it must be pretty cosy down there as it only holds about 60 people, but I’m intrigued by this place. It’s open untill 1am nightly and has live acts playing from 9pm. So if anyone fancies joining me for some drinks in a fabulously seedy sounding bar that used to be a public toilet let me know.

Cellar Door
Zero Aldwych
London, WC2E 7DN
020 7240 8848

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