I love stripey clothes. I'm not sure why, but they make me feel happy and the task of getting dressed in the morning is much more enjoyable when there's stripes involved. Here's a pick of the stripes available on the high street at the moment. There seems to be a real Parisienne vibe going on at the moment with Topshop devoting an
entire collection to it. I am swooning over the Eiffel Tower
knitted sweater, but it is sans stripe so I couldn't include it in the pictures below. I think my favourite is the All Saints dress, effortless. Yet that Sonia Rykiel stripey tee is a winner too, even in grey and miserable January you would feel pretty zingy with that on! Enjoy.
from left to right; waistcoat - Warehouse - £35; dress - Oasis - £60; skirt - Reiss - £110; sweater - River Island - £29.99
from left to right; tee - Sonia Rykiel - £158.73; dress - River Island - £19.99; tee - Topshop - £30; tee - Warehouse - £18
from left to right; vest - New Look - £8; coat - French Connection - £124; dress - All Saints - £90; tee - Dorothy Perkins - £18
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