Tuesday, 23 February 2010

behind closed doors...

All images from Design Sponge

Today a peek inside the home of Sibella Court - care of Design Sponge, a great site for snooping around other people's lovingly styled homes. Sibella has a shop in Sydney which is a cross between a haberdashery and a hardware store. She specialises in textiles, homeware and furniture, check out the online store, here. These shots are from her home which is above the store. If these images are anything to go by I would love to have a roam around her shop and see what fantastical things I could find.

The kitchen shot is my favourite, all those utensils stacked up in one place. It has a happy sense of chaos to it. So eclectic and 'real'. Not styled or contrived, just the evolvement of somebody's life and the things they accumulate as they journey through it.


  1. When I have my own home I would like it to be full of random furniture and decorations, every item would have its own meaning and story. And I will also have a lot of books, everywhere.

    I love this home, is is cool but unpretentious.

  2. Wow. Could spend hours exploring in there. What a beautifully but effortlessly styled home. x


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