Friday, 19 February 2010

down at heel...

Beautiful ruffle shoed loveliness - £85 - Dune

Glory me, I am loving all these lower heeled shoes at the moment. I love a heel, unfortunately I look like a new born foal when I try and walk in them. It aint pretty. So I am squealing with glee that demi heeled shoes seemed to be de rigour at the moment.

From top left clockwise: Metallic courts - £70 - Bertie; Purple Mary-Janes - £20(!) - Office; Black die-cut - £125 - All Saints; Brown zipped - £60 - Faith; Black courts - £40 - Topshop; Red retro - £58 - Office.

Check out these little beauties! My fav's are the Dune ruffle shoes, devine. Finally, I can walk tall without the fear of breaking my neck.


  1. I am loving the lower heels too, as much as I love wearing super high ones, my poor feet can't cope!

  2. I think it's a good excuse to go out and shop for some new shoes, you need to be kind to your feet, you only have one pair of those. " )

  3. I love the Dune shoes, I've just bought a pair of anke boots with ruffles from them.

    Funny, I know that demi heels are in fashion and I should be happy as I never liked hogy heels but now I actually feel like wearing them! Murphy's law!

  4. I love the ruffle shoes too! I love really high heels and can walk in them fine (I think) but by the end of the day my feet are always killing me!


  5. Alice the ankle boots sound great! Do you have a link to them? Would love to have a scooch at them.

    Julia, you walk tall in those heels, I am very jealous of your walking skills. : ) Have you seen America's Next Top Model? Theres this guy who teaches the girls how to do the catwalk in 6 inch heels, I should watch and learn.


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