Friday, 5 February 2010

a house full of harmony...

Lavender bags - £2.50

I'm all for a bit of vintage loveliness about the place and Caroline Taylor's sweet online boutique Patchwork Harmony is a treasure trove of just such loveliness. The site showcases beautiful homeware and gifts all handpicked by Caroline herself. She believes a home should be like a patch work quilt, a collection of individual items that you bring together to make a home.

Here are some of my favourite picks from her site.

Clockwise from top left: pin tins - £2.75; double hook - £6.50; metal holders - from £6.95; set of 5 side plates - £7.95

Egg cup - £7.25

Candles - £15

Tea towel - £5.25

For more of the same click here.


  1. oh what a lovely place,
    off to have a further nosey!

  2. Isn't it all great? Just got to get me a cottage in the country to put it all in! x

  3. OH my gosh its all so whimsical! Total storybook lovely!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, hope to see more of you!


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