Wednesday, 3 February 2010

make the right choice...

Fancy some utterly bonkers but brilliant shoes to cheer you up this February? Feast your eyes on some picks from the new collection at Irregular Choice. I don't know where the designers get their ideas for these shoes, they are so totally different from most of the generic stuff you see on the high street.

These shoes really make a statement don't they?

from left: boots - £85; boots - £145

from left: shoeboots - £89.50; shoes - £62.25

from left: shoes - £69; shoes - £75

See the whole range here.


  1. Love the 'irregularities' I'll have a look at their website now!

  2. I managed to get some Irregular Choice shoes in the sale one year, they were so mad nobody else wanted them and they were reduced to £15. I snapped them up. They are pink kitten heels with little white plastic stars hanging off them, so cute! x

  3. I love these shoes! Wow, they are so unusual! I like elegance and simplicity in my shoes but maybe here I would make an exception!


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